Bespoke Run Coaching and Sports massage Therapy with Wolds Running
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Running form is the technique that you use to run. It is the physiology or biomechanics of your running style. In simple terms, it is the way that you look when you run. It is how the various moving parts of your body are timed and the posture that you adopt as you carry out the action of running.
Running form is extremely important. Like all sports there is good and bad technique. For example, there is a right and a wrong way to hold a tennis racket or golf club. There is also a wrong way to swing a tennis racket or golf club. When you see good form in any sport, it tends to look effortless. Form is all about how an action is performed. Of course, there is a spectrum of good form, in that there is a lot of variation that is acceptable. However, there is unacceptable running form. Here, I am using the term unacceptable to mean that adopting the wrong running form is likely to cause injuries, reduce enjoyment of running and decrease performance.
There are many factors that affect running form and these factors are likely to interact with each other. The features that affect running form can be loosely groups into 3 categories: Internal features which can be easily seen, measured and corrected; intrinsic features, which may require deeper investigation and are not necessarily under our control and external features which are outside of our body and may affect the way that we run.
Let Wolds Running help improve your performance and enjoyment of running and help you reduce running related injuries. Remember, if you regularly get injured through running, you will reduce fitness through a reduction in training. Poor running form, whether this leads to injuries or not, is likely to reduce your performance. Let Wolds Running help you be the best you can be.
Initially, you will be sent a questionnaire which will include questions about running history, training history, health and general fitness. You will also be asked about previous injuries, which may have affected your current running form. You will receive a 15 minute phone consultation to find out about your motivations and why you feel you would benefit from running form analysis. Following that you will be asked to attend our running clinic. Your coach may get you to run on the road or the treadmill. You will be filmed during this session (written permission will be required). If you are under 18 you will need parental consent and be accompanied by an adult. This consultation will take approximately 1 hour If you are not able to attend the clinic, detailed instructions will be sent to you to film your running, either on a quiet road, treadmill or track. We pledge to not charge you, if we feel that you do not need to improve your running form.
Finally, you will receive a written report including a plan to improve your running form. This will be accompanied with a 15-minute follow phone consultation.
Cost: £175.00
There is a reduction of cost to athletes currently being coached by Wolds Running to: £125.00
If you decide to become a Wolds Running coached athlete, following a running form consultation, there will be no cost for your first months coaching, providing that you sign up for our coaching services for a minimum of 3 months.